SLA Biomedical and Life Sciences Division

Photo Gallery: Business Meeting & Breakfast

Tuesday, 6/17/08
Sponsored by Annual Reviews
Ruth Gustafson, Natural History Caucus Convener; John Tebo 2008 DBIO Chair; Barry Brown, Secretary; Jean E. Crampon, Chair-Elect, Tony Stankus, Director and DBIO Blogmaster
Ruth Gustafson, John Tebo
Diane Schmidt, Seattle 2008 Program Committee Chair
Diane Schmidt provides an overview of the DBIO planned activities
Diane Schmidt receiving The Winifred Sewell Prize from John Tebo, DBIO Chair
Janet Weiss, DBIO Past Chair receiving the Distinguished Member Award from John Tebo
Janet Weiss, John Tebo
Tony Stankus
Nancy Stimson, DBIO Strategic Planning Committee Co-Chair
William Anger, Medical Section Chair congratulating Janet Weiss
Eleanor MacLean, Contributed Posters Committee Member (left)
Jacquelyn M. Petzold, School of Library and Information Science Indiana University, Bloomington, DBIO 2008 Travel Award recipient (right); Brian Winterman, Student Relations Committee Chair
Carol Lepzelter Berry, recipient of the 2008 Chair's Recognition Award

Rev. Oct 2009