SLA Biomedical and Life Sciences Division

DBIO Web Site

The DBIO Home Page Committee (2011- present) has the overall responsibility for developing and maintaining an up-to-date website that meets the information needs of the membership.

The revised Home Page Recommended Practices adopted June 12, 2010) took effect on January 1, 2011. The DBIO Home Page Committee has two 2 Web co-managers,with no set term limits.


Chair's Recognition Award given to Home Page Committee Members       
  Claudia Lascar, 2007
  Carol Lepzelter Berry, 2008
  Monica Kirkwood, 2012
  Claudia Lascar, 2013
  Monica Kirkwood, 2017
  Claudia Lascar, 2018

Distinguished Member Award
  Claudia Lascar, 2013

Other DBIO Awards
   Carol Lepzelter Berry, DBIO Website Emerita, 2010

Statistics: Home Page Committee Reports: Activities:
Landing site is launched as part of the SLA Operation Vitality initiative - June 2012.

DBIO Home page and the Medical Section home page are moved from the SLA server to the HostGator Server - June 2012.

Web Site Redesign Project - Monday, August 13, 2007, marks the launch of the SLA Biomedical & Life Sciences Division newly redesigned web site.

75th Anniversary DBIO Logo – Completed May 2009

The Ad-Hoc 75th Anniversary DBIO Logo Committee:
Jean Crampon
Diane Schmidt
Christopher Hooper-Lane
Susan Kendall
Claudia Lascar
Rev. August 2022