SLA Biomedical and Life Sciences Division

2006 Distinguished Member Award

Virginia A. Lingle

Virginia A. Lingle, Interim Director at the George T. Harrel Library at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center of Pennsylvania StateUniversity, was awarded the 2006 Distinguished Member Award from the Biomedical and Life Sciences Division of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) on June 13, 2006, at the SLA Annual Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. We are happy to honor one of our own who has contributed so much to the profession and Division.

Lingle joined the Special Libraries Association and the Biological Sciences Division in 1985. She has served as Chair of several committees within the Division: Membership, Fund Raising and Publications. She served as Chair of the Division in 2000/2001. She has served at the SLA Association level on the Public Relations/Career Development Committee and the Student Relations/Career Guidance Committee. She has also been active in her regional chapter of SLA, holding a variety of committee chairs and memberships. She has served on the editorial board for Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries and Medical Reference Services Quarterly. She has been a medical book reviewer for Library Journal, and she has been a manuscript referee for Special Libraries, a journal formerly published by SLA.

Lingle has also been an active member of the Medical Library Association (MLA) throughout her career, and is a Distinguished Member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals (MLA). She has published books, chapters and articles on topics related to electronic journals, malpractice issues in librarianship, Web page development and health sciences. On these same topics, she has also made numerous presentations both to professional library and Penn State audiences. This year she also received the Certificate of Recognition for 25 years of service to Penn State University. Congratulations, Ginnie!

Rev. July 2007