SLA Biomedical and Life Sciences Division

2001 Chair's Recognition Award

Tom Turner

At the annual business meeting of the Biomedical and Life Sciences Division in San Antonio, Chair Virginia Lingle presented the 2001 Chair's Recognition Award to Tom Turner who served as Chair of the Program Planning Committee for the Division's 2001 conference. Past recipients are Lucy Rowland and Nancy Stimson.

There are so many individuals who have been very supportive members of the Biomedical and Life Sciences Division over the years — people who have volunteered significant amounts of time, energy, and money to the operation of what is, in my opinion, one of SLA's premier divisions. As Chair this year, I wished that I could grant about 100 Chair's awards — one to each officer, committee chair and committee member who has contributed to the leadership and success of the division. However, top recognition this year goes to Thomas Turner for his
outstanding work as chair of the 2001 San Antonio Conference Program Planning Committee.

Tom has supported the Biomedical and Life Sciences Division and the Special Libraries Association since 1995 by serving in a number of capacities. Tom currently is member of SLA's Student and Academic Relations Committee. At the chapter level he was Membership Chair of SLA's Arizona Chapter from 1996 to 1998. He served our Division as co-chair of the Contributed Papers Session Committee in 1996/97 and again in 1997/98. Tom also chaired our Division's Student Relations/Career Guidance Committee from 1998 to 2000.

About eighteen months ago, when I was considering who to ask to take on the monumental task of the 2001 Program Chair, Tom's name was suggested as a person who gets the job done and done well. That recommendation has proven very true. With the support of his committee members and the Fund Development Committee, he excelled in the enormous task of structuring and coordinating one of the best Division programming schedules I have ever attended at an annual meeting. He also saved me from a lot of worry, but I'm guessing that Tom would say he did enough worrying for the both of us. Tom attended to the thousands of details that go with organizing an annual program and he did so with efficiency, diplomacy, and excellence.

With shared gratitude, this year's Chair's Recognition Award is presented to Tom Turner in recognition of outstanding contributions and meritorious service to the division.

Virginia A. Lingle
2000-2001 Division Chair

Rev. July 2007