SLA Biomedical and Life Sciences Division

DBIO Recommended Practices - Executive Board Code of Responsibility

Leadership Code of Responsibility: The role of leaders in SLA is to advance opportunities for members to share in and accomplish the Vision and Mission of the Association.  To ensure that outcome, leaders shall respect and adhere to the code that identifies SLA Leadership’s responsibility and accountability to the Association and its members.  Leadership is defined as the leaders and members of the Board of Directors, Association Committees and Task Forces, as well as the voting members of Division Executive and Advisory Boards, and Caucus Conveners.  The Leadership Code of Responsibility document shall be read and signed by the Division leaders at the beginning of their term.

Function: The Biomedical and Life Sciences Division Executive Board shall have the responsibility and authority to manage the Division's property and to regulate and govern its affairs within the limits of the Division’s Governing Document and the Governing Document of the Special Libraries Association.

: The Board shall consist of six members elected by the membership of the Division:  Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Director, and Past Chair.

  1. To determine policies and changes in policy within the limits of the Governing Document of the Association and of the Division.
  2. To take such actions as it considers necessary to carry out objectives of the Division.
  3. To provide policy guidelines for Biofeedback, particularly as they relate to business matters, such as reviewing the budget.
  4. To establish standing and special committees, responsible to the board. The board shall delegate to each committee those functions and responsibilities necessary for accomplishing the objectives of the Division. Committee chairs shall submit an annual report to the Chair of the Division by January 1, or on another mutually agreed upon date. The board shall determine term of appointments and shall have the authority to abolish, combine, or alter committees. The term of office for appointees shall be from January 1-December 31.
  5. The Executive Board shall appoint the Nominations and Elections Committee in accordance with Article IX of the Division’s Governing Document.
Reports and Records: Summaries of actions taken at Executive Board meetings shall be prepared by the Secretary and distributed to board members.

Rev. May 2014