DBIO Recommended Practices - Career Guidance & Employment Committee
See also, Unit Employment Services Practice.
Function:- The Committee assists library/information science students with opportunities in biomedical and life sciences librarianship, and furthers their communication with DBIO members for mentoring and career counseling.
- The Committee assists DBIO members in identifying career opportunities and in obtaining employment in the information field.
Qualifications: In addition to the qualifications outlined in Appendix A - Qualifications, Expenses, Records and Reporting for Executive Board, Advisory Board/Council and Committees, it is recommended that at least one student or recent graduate be included as a member of the committee to help relate and better define the goals and objectives of the committee with those of students.
Appointment: The term of appointment is two years, renewable once.
Duties (in consultation with the Student Relations Committee):- Set goals for the year and plan for reaching those goals.
- Annually revise and update the Division’s promotional brochure for students.
- Coordinate annual conference plans with the Chair, Membership Committee, to work on special student-oriented functions or means of recognizing students within the Division.
- Encourage student participation within the Division through membership on Division
committees and within Division sections, caucuses, and roundtables. - Provide information and support for student members through the Division’s newsletter, Biofeedback. Encourage students to submit material for publication, subject to the approval of the Biofeedback editor.
- Create a network of Division members, groups and faculty advisors to serve as liaisons with SLA students to spread information and promote biomedical and life sciences librarianship as a career.
- Review the Career Guidance and Employment Committee section of the Recommended Practices as needed and submit corrections, revisions, and so forth to the Director.
- By deadline determined each year (typically January), the Committee Chair shall submit an estimated budget to the Treasurer.