SLA Biomedical and Life Sciences Division

DBIO Recommended Practices - Career Guidance & Employment Committee

See also, Unit Employment Services Practice.

  1. The Committee assists library/information science students with opportunities in biomedical and life sciences librarianship, and furthers their communication with DBIO members for mentoring and career counseling.
  2. The Committee assists DBIO members in identifying career opportunities and in obtaining employment in the information field.

Qualifications: In addition to the qualifications outlined in Appendix A - Qualifications, Expenses, Records and Reporting for Executive Board, Advisory Board/Council and Committees, it is recommended that at least one student or recent graduate be included as a member of the committee to help relate and better define the goals and objectives of the committee with those of students.

Appointment: The term of appointment is two years, renewable once.

Duties (in consultation with the Student Relations Committee):
  1. Set goals for the year and plan for reaching those goals.
  2. Annually revise and update the Division’s promotional brochure for students.
  3. Coordinate annual conference plans with the Chair, Membership Committee, to work on special student-oriented functions or means of recognizing students within the Division.
  4. Encourage student participation within the Division through membership on Division
    committees and within Division sections, caucuses, and roundtables.
  5. Provide information and support for student members through the Division’s newsletter, Biofeedback. Encourage students to submit material for publication, subject to the approval of the Biofeedback editor.
  6. Create a network of Division members, groups and faculty advisors to serve as liaisons with SLA students to spread information and promote biomedical and life sciences librarianship as a career.
  7. Review the Career Guidance and Employment Committee section of the Recommended Practices as needed and submit corrections, revisions, and so forth to the Director.
  8. By deadline determined each year (typically January), the Committee Chair shall submit an estimated budget to the Treasurer.
Rev. May 2014