SLA Biomedical and Life Sciences Division

DBIO Procedures Manual - Bylaws Committee

Function: As needed, the Division Executive Board may establish a Bylaws Committee, as either a standing or special committee, to keep abreast of Association bylaws changes and to draft Division bylaws changes as recommended by the Board.

Qualifications: The Past Chair of the Division serves as Chair of any Bylaws Committee established by the Division Executive Board. Committee members must be members, associate members, or retired members of the Association, as well as members of the Biomedical and Life Sciences Division.

Appointments: If the committee is established as a standing committee, the Division Chair appoints members for a term of two years, renewable once.

  1. Each Division has its own bylaws that must be approved by the Association Bylaws Committee and may not be in conflict with Association bylaws. When Association bylaws are amended or revised, the Division must amend or revise its bylaws accordingly.
  2. Proposed changes to the Division bylaws are first submitted to the Division Executive Board, then to the Association Bylaws Committee (for review) and finally to the Division membership. Note: proposed changes must be reviewed by the Association Bylaws Committee before being submitted as proposed changes to the Division membership for their approval.
  3. To review the appropriate sections of the Procedures Manual in February and submit corrections, revisions, and so forth to the Director for inclusion in the next edition.
  4. By deadline determined each year (typically August), the Committee Chair shall submit an estimated budget to the Treasurer.
  1. The Bylaws Committee should draft bylaws revisions.
  2. An annual report is submitted to the Division Chair in accepted format by April 1 or another mutually agreed upon date.

Records: Outgoing officers and committee chairs shall send the files which they used during their tenure to their successors at the end of their terms of office, along with their copy of the Procedures Manual. All files they received the year earlier (from predecessor) should be reviewed as to the usefulness for archival retention (see information on retention in the Archivist section). Files include, but are not limited to, important correspondence, fax, e-mail, and summaries of verbal communications deemed important to the business of the Division. The officers and committee chairs may keep copies of any relevant materials but original materials should be transmitted to the BIO Archivist on the regular schedule.

Expenses: The Division will provide funding for other expenses such as postage or telephone calls if not borne by the incumbent's organization. Other expenses must be approved by the Executive Board of the Division. Expenses incurred for organization business will be paid in accordance with SLA guidelines. All expenses must be submitted with a Committee Expenses Form or a Travel Voucher form and be accompanied by the original receipts for reimbursement. Direct payment of bills can be made if the bill is accompanied by a Committee Expenses Form or a Check Request and Payment Approval Form. Advances for expenses may be obtained from the Division's Treasurer. Requests for advances should be made in writing and include an estimate for each item. A final report of expenses for reimbursement shall be filed with the Treasurer prior to or at the annual business meeting.

Rev. 1/99, A. Schiff