DBIO Strategic Plan Workbook
DBIO Strategic Planning Committee Charge: Develop a strategic plan that addresses the DBIO Division’s vision, strengths and weaknesses, and where we need to be going within the next five years.
DBIO Strategic Planning Meeting Agenda:
• 8:15-8:20 Welcome remarks
• 8:20-8:45 Brainstorm DBIO vision statement
DBIO mission and scope
Slides (2-13)
Vision Statement Definitions and Examples
• 8:45-8:55 Survey highlights
Slides (14-15)
2008 Survey http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=KpVcHbZD67mmTzXp4BqU8w_3d_3
• 8:55-9:25 Discuss DBIO strengths and weaknesses in light of 2008 survey results. Create an action list
DBIO SWOT Analysis
Slides (16-20)
• 9:25-9:30 Wrap-up
Vision Brainstorming
Rev. June 2008