The Special Library Association (SLA) is the international association representing the interests of thousands of information professionals in over eighty countries worldwide. SLA empowers information professionals through learning, advocacy, and networking. As part of your paid membership, SLA offers you FREE membership in one of the 26 subject Divisions and the opportunity to join others for a small fee.SLA has implemented a dues restructure, effective January 1, 2016. The reasons behind this change are discussed here (Member login required).
A portion of the annual dues is allocated for a subscription to Information OutlookŪ. No dues are used for lobbying purposes. A full SLA membership entitles you to a free membership in a division and a chapter of your choice.

Membership in the Biomedical and Life Sciences Division offers you many opportunities to help you build peer professional relationships, strengthen managerial and leadership skills, expand technical knowledge and develop new skills and expertise in a non-threatening and fun atmosphere. If you are health information professional or you are interested in health sciences you may want to join the Medical Section of DBIO. Joining the Medical Section is free with your membership in the Biomedical and Life Sciences Division.
DBIO was established in 1935 to provide members engaged or interested in the exchange and disseminating of life sciences and health information an opportunity for personal and professional growth. The Medical Section was established in 1996.
Be sure to choose Biomedical and Life Sciences Division as your division!
Join the Medical Section!
Renew option for current members
Be sure to choose Biomedical and Life Sciences Division as your division, since your record may have been reset due to computer error.Rejoin SLA option
*Online renewal is available for persons whose membership is not more than 90 days past due. Be sure to choose Biomedical and Life Sciences Division as your division, since your record may have been reset due to computer error.
If your membership has lapsed for more than 90 days please call 1.703.647.4900 or contact Membership so SLA can reset your account. Be sure to choose Biomedical and Life Sciences Division as your division, since your record may have been removed from the system.
Find out more about the Benefits of Joining!DBIO members come from a multitude of backgrounds and experiences. Recognizing that our strength lies with our members, DBIO seeks to offer a wide range of programs, events, publications, and volunteer opportunities to create a strong community of practice. (See our 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 Membership Charts.)