SLA Biomedical and Life Sciences Division

2009 Members' Publications

Balance, D., Kornegay, D., Evans, P. (Summer, 2009). “Factors That Influence Physicians to Practice in Rural Locations: A review and Commentary.” The Journal of Rural Health, 25 (3).

Brown, B.N. 2009. “General Aquatic Ecology” in Current and Selected Bibliographies on Benthic Biology, edited by D. Webb, North American Benthological Society; Champaign, ILL.

Brown, B.N. (2009). “Research Methods for Comprehensive Science Literature Reviews.” Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship, 57. Available at:

Brown, B.N. & Piper, P. (2009). “Freely Available Science Information Resources on the Web.” Searcher, 17(6): 22-41.

Clark, C. (August 2009). “Freely NIH Library Services: Popular Bioinformatics Trainer Joins NIH Library Staff.” The NIH Catalyst, 17(4): 10. Available at

Dawson, P.H. 2009. “A Professional Faculty Development Project for Integrating Bioinformatics into Science, Technology, and Math Courses at a Community College.” Presented at Best Practices Day, Biotechnology Institute Atlanta, GA, May 17.

Dawson, P.H. 2009. “Have Laptop Will Travel: Experiences of a Field Librarian”. Presented at Annual SLA Conference, Washington, D.C., June 16, 2009.

Dawson, P.H., & Diane, K.C. 2009. “Driving Fast to Nowhere on the Information Highway: A Look at Shifting Paradigms of Literacy in the Twenty-First Century” in Teaching Generation M: A Handbook for Librarians and Educators, edited by Bowman Cvetkovic, V. & Lackie, R.J., Neal-Schuman, New York.

Etter, Z. & Galt, J. (July 2009). “Digital Audio Lectures: A Library's Path to Sustainability (Brief Communication).” Journal of the Medical Library Association, 97 (3).

Nabe, J. and Imre, A. (Fall 2008). “Dissertation Citations in Organismal Biology at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale: Implications for Collection Development,” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 55.

Rieke, J.L., Safratowich, M., Markland, M. J. (April, 2009). “Discover Health Services Near You! The North Dakota Story: Part I.” Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet, 13 (2): 143-155.

Rieke, J.L., Safratowich, M., Markland, M. J. (July, 2009). “Discover Health Services Near You! The North Dakota Story: Part II.” Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet, 13 (3): 223-226.

Wild, D.J. and Beckman, R. (2009). “The Future of Searching for Chemical Information.” In Banville, Debra L. (Ed.) Chemical Information Mining: Facilitating Literature-Based Discovery. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press,


Zipperer, L. and Sykes, J. (2009). “Engaging as Partners in Patient Safety: The Experience of Librarians.” Patient

Safety and Quality Healthcare, 6(2), p.28-30, 32-33.

Rev. January 2010