DBIO Programs
2018 Annual Conference
Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Saturday, June 9, 2018 - Wednesday, June 13, 2018.
2018 SLA Annual Conference DBIO Program
Full Day (8:00 AM - 4:30 PM)CE: EDirect for PubMed: Get the Data You Need
EDirect is free software developed by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) that can help you access exactly the PubMed data you need, in exactly the format you need. NLM instructors will offer a full day CE class on how to use EDirect to design custom output formats, create basic data pipelines to get data quickly and efficiently, and develop simple strategies for solving real-world PubMed data-gathering challenges. EDirect works in a Unix environment, but no previous Unix knowledge is needed and all the software can be installed on a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer. Attendees should be familiar with basic PubMed searching. Attendees will be required to bring their own device and install EDirect and some supporting software before the class. The software is free and attendees will receive installation instructions after registration. REGISTRATION DEADLINE FOR THIS CLASS IS MAY 31, 2018 to allow for software installation requirements and follow-up.
Presented by: DBIO
- Kate Majewski, team lead for the PubMed training team
- Mike Davidson, PubMed training team member, and the lead developer/instructional designer for the "Insider's Guide to Accessing NLM Data program"
Pricing: $225 for SLA members / $415 for non-members
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Biomedical & Life Sciences Division Officers and Committee Chairs' Meeting/Dinner
Remote Viewing
The DBIO Board and committee members will meet at the conference hotel to review the activities and projects undertaken by the division during the past year. The Board will also discuss the plans for the current conference. Dinner will follow.
Convener: Cynthia Sheffield, DBIO Chair
Presented by: Biomedical & Life Sciences Division
Sponsored by: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Location: Hilton Baltimore, Room TBA
9:00 AM - 10 AMAll Sciences Contributed Papers: Part I
Presented by: SciTech (lead), DBIO, and others
Location: TBA
9:00 AM - 10 AM
VIPs: Very Important Pests
It is estimated that 18-26% of the crops grown or stored are ruined by insect attack, and thus are not able to ever be used to feed us. That damage caused by termite and cockroach infestations costs over $30 billion annually. An analysis of more than 3,500 papers in the leading Journal of Economic Entomology, 2000-2015, uncovered 647 major insect pests ravaging our crops, food warehouses, backyards, and homes. In this session, we will examine the major commodities and venues infested today, with images of the top 25 doing their worst, and learn how agricultural stakeholders, the scientific community, and state and federal government agencies are working together to detect, monitor, and control pest threats. We will also highlight authoritative resources in the field of economic entomology for keeping abreast of pest research and developments.
Convener: Ruth Gustafson, Reference Librarian/Biological/Agricultural/Environmental Sciences, University of California, Davis
Presented by: DBIO, FAN
- Tony Stankus, FSLA, Life Sciences Librarian, Science Coordinator & Distinguished Professor, University of Arkansas Libraries
- John H. Bowers, Ph.D., National Policy Manager - Pest Detection, Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey, USDA, APHIS, PPQ, PHP
2:15 PM - 3:30 PM
Putting a Frame around STEM Instruction: Lightning Talks on Successful Implementations of the ACRL Framework in STEM Information Literacy Instruction
Are you looking to get inspired about the new ACRL Framework for Information Literacy? Learn how STEM librarians have "Framed" their instruction, and take home tips and techniques you can use in your classes. Come prepared to take notes and write fast! STEM librarians from different subject areas will give brief lightning talks on their use of the Framework, and time will be provided at the end for questions. Although this session assumes some familiarity with the Framework, it is also suitable for new instructors looking for ideas.
Presented by: PAM (lead), DST, DENG, DBIO
Location: TBA
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
The Science of Estuaries
The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States. Home to at least 2,700 species of plants and animals, alongside 17 million people, the Chesapeake is a complex and highly productive ecosystem. Join a panel of three Chesapeake Bay experts who will present on the importance of the estuary, threats, and collecting and organizing data for one of the most important waterways in the United States.
Convener: Ruth Gustafson
Presented by: FAER (lead), DST, DBIO, Natural History Caucus
- Ward Slacum, Director of Program Operations, Oyster Recovery Partnership
- Matt Johnston, Chesapeake Bay Agricultural Programs
- Walter Boynton, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Center for Environmental Science, University of Maryland
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
All Sciences and Engineering Poster Session and Awards Reception
All Sciences and Engineering 2018 Posters
Presented by: SciTech (lead), others, DBIO
9:00 AM - 10 AMAll Sciences Contributed Papers: Part II
Presented by: SciTech (lead), DBIO, and others
Location: TBA
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Forming Focused Research Questions with PICO
PICO (Population, Intervention, Control, and Outcome) is a technique used in evidence-based disciplines to design a focused research question that will return relevant results. Using PICO helps you brainstorm for keywords and save time. The PICO methodology can be used in any discipline to develop an answerable question. In this session you will learn how to use PICO, and why and when you should use it. We will take poorly formed research questions and transform them using PICO. Session attendees will also get hands-on practice using PICO.
Presented by: TBA
Location: TBA
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Biomedical & Life Sciences Division Vendor Relations Roundtable Lunch
Join us for a ticketed box lunch ($15.00), featuring four vendors' presentations. During this one hour session, learn what's new from Annual Reviews, EBSCO Information Services, JoVE, and Wolters Kluwer. Each 10-minute presentation will be packed with information that will certainly stir up discussion during our Q&A.
Convener: Donna Gibson
Presented by: DBIO
Location: TBA
Cost: $15.00 per person for boxed lunch. (Follow the instructions below for adding this event to your "must" attend sessions)
List of presenters/sponsors:
- Keith Layson, Sales Manager for Annual Reviews
Presentation topic: What Gets Published in a Year, You Couldn't Read in a Lifetime. The Value of the Review: the Who, What, and Why of Annual Reviews
Annual Reviews
- Joseph Tragert, Senior Director, Product Management, EBSCO Information Services
Presentation topic: Integrating Internal and External Content to Support the Basic Research Phase of the Development Pipeline
EBSCO Information Services
- Jen Ostrosky, Senior Account Manager, JoVE
Presentation topic: JoVE: Measurable impact in science labs and classrooms
- David Troy, Regional Sales Manager for Ovid Technologies, Wolters Kluwer
Presentation topic: Northern Light: Ovid's Grey Literature Solution for Systematic Reviews, Pharmacovigilance and Competitive Intelligence
Wolters Kluwer
These are the instructions for adding this event to your "must" attend sessions:
- Visit this page to add ticketed events to your existing conference registration
- Log in with your Last Name and your Email Address
- Select "Modify My Registration"
- Go to the Sessions/Merchandise section and select "Modify"
- Select your desired ticketed events
- Select "Update"
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Lessons Learned from Systematic Review Research Projects
A systematic literature review is an analysis of existing research using a methodical and explicit process to identify, select, and critically appraise relevant studies and collect and analyze data from them. This type of review aims to address research questions by integrating the findings of all relevant and high-quality studies. This session demonstrates the application of the systematic literature review methodology in STEM disciplines such as aviation and engineering education. Participants will also learn about the various roles of librarians in such studies, the scholarly publishing rights regarding co-authorship, and how to work with researchers (collaborators and reviewers) who have limited experience with systematic literature reviews.
Presented by:
Location: TBA
9:00 AM - 10:00 AMTell Your Story Well: How Embedded Librarians Demonstrate and Communicate Their Value
Embedded librarians have unique opportunities and challenges in demonstrating and communicating their value. Metrics and communications have to be tailored to each situation, and can depend on the type of organization, the organization's mission and strategy, and the personalities involved. In this session, experienced managers and librarians will share perspectives, principles, and examples for demonstrating and communicating your value metrics.
Presented by:
Location: TBA
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
Good, Bad, & Ugly Germs: Perspectives on the Centennial Remembrance of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic
For the centennial commemoration of the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918, medical libraries are working with museums to remember the loss of more than 50 million lives worldwide. How are librarians helping curators create both interesting and informative exhibits that reach general and specialized patrons? What research is currently underway at medical libraries on the influenza virus, and how does the Spanish Flu affect current research? This panel explores the link between librarians, researchers, and curators when current research and commemorative remembrance intertwine.
Presented by: MAHD (lead), IT, DBIO Medical Section
Sponsored by: Rittenhouse Book Distributors - R2 Digital Library
Location: TBA
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
Edible Pharmacopoeia: Culinary Herbs/Spices and Health
In Asia and Europe, herbs and spices have been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes for centuries. Modern research is documenting the health benefits of common kitchen staples such as black pepper, cinnamon, clove, oregano, and turmeric, but determining their bioactive properties and mechanisms of action within a nutritional context is challenging. This session will explore the various ways that the body's physiological functions (e.g., digestive, cardiovascular, neurological, respiratory, etc.) are supported and enhanced by herbs and spices, and identify the sources of authoritative, evidence-based information regarding safety, effectiveness, interactions, and more!
Convener: Rosanna Lindquist (Hershey Company)
Presented by: DFAER (lead), DBIO, DST
- Georganne "Geo" Derick Giordano, a registered Medical Herbalist professionally certified by the American Herbalist Guild and adjunct faculty at Johns Hopkins University
- Nalini Mahajan, director and webmaster of the Medical Library for Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital, part of Northwestern Medicine, Past Chair of Biomedical and Life Sciences Division (DBIO)
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
It's a Microbiota World After All: Examining the Scope of Microbiome Research
One of the most difficult things for science librarians to do is to stay current on the various scientific research fronts. It is a critical part of our job to be aware of the latest research, technology, acronyms, and more in order to best serve the scientists and researchers we work with. Science moves so quickly that it can be difficult staying up-to-date. An area that is growing extremely rapidly, and is of interest to DBIO and other science division members, is that of the microbiome.
Human, specifically gut, microbiomes have dominated the public interest the past few years, but microbiomes impact all facets of our lives: agricultural, terrestrial, aquatic, and more. Microbiota have important, yet often not fully understood, roles in many ecosystems and it is imperative that we understand how they develop and thrive to improve our health, economy, and environment. During this session, leading scientists will discuss where the microbiome research is currently at, where the gaps are, and where it is going. They will discuss examples of the interdisciplinary state of microbiome research, important studies leading to our better understanding of microbiome, and even possible funding sources for researchers interested in this rapidly growing field. This session will help attendees update subject domain knowledge and become more cognizant of what is happening in the microbiome research world to better assist the scientists, researchers, and students they work with.

Presented by: DBIO (lead), pharm
- Lita M. Proctor, Ph.D. Program Director, Human Microbiome Project, Division of Genome Sciences, NIH
- Elizabeth Stulberg, Ph.D. Science Policy Manager, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Biomedical & Life Sciences Division Behind-the-Scenes Tour of Baltimore's National Aquarium
Take a behind-the-scenes tour of the National Aquarium. Expert guides will help you experience life at the Aquarium from an insider's perspective where you'll discover a fascinating world behind the glass. Your guide will share fascinating stories about Aquarium animals and their habitats lead you to exclusive staff-only areas, take you up-close with one of our animal residents and much more. Day's admission is included with the tour fee — attendees will be free to explore the Aquarium during regular hours before or after the tour.
Presented by: DBIO, Natural History Caucus
Expert Guides
Location: Baltimore's National Aquarium
Cost: $
Rev. July 2018