A sphygmomanometer used for taking blood pressure readings from the radial (arm) artery.
Credit Wellcome Library, London, Wellcome Images
Email Discussion List
The DBIO has an email discussion list called SLA-DBIO that includes division news, job postings, reference questions, and news of interest to biomedical and life sciences information professionals.
The list is unmoderated so anything you send will be posted automatically.Should you have questions or problems, you may contact the list owner, Carol Vreeland.
By email: sla-dbio@lists.sla.org
Over the web: http://lists.sla.org/cgi-bin2/admin_lyris.pl?enter=sla-dbio
Over the web: http://lists.sla.org/cgi-bin2/admin_lyris.pl?enter=sla-dbio
Copy the following SUBSCRIBE command into the body of an email and send it to Lyris@lists.sla.org. Be sure to replace "yourEmailAddress," "yourFirstName," and "yourLastName" with your own email address and name:
Subscribe sla-dbio yourEmailAddress yourFirstName yourLastName
Subscribe sla-dbio yourEmailAddress yourFirstName yourLastName
Copy the following SUBSCRIBE command into the body of an email and send it to Lyris@lists.sla.org. Be sure to replace "yourEmailAddress" with your own email address:
Unsubscribe sla-dbio yourEmailAddress
Unsubscribe sla-dbio yourEmailAddress
Thank you for your continued support of the Medical Section, and we look forward to hearing from you on our email discussion list.
Rev. July 2007